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Ownerfy is built using REST architecture. Our API uses standard HTTP response codes and accepts form-encoded request bodies by using HTTP methods (GET and POST).

The fundamental components of the REST API are:

  • A client, initiates communication and sends a request.
  • A server, enables clients to access its data using an API.
  • A resource, any piece of information/data that the server can provide to clients.


HTTP is necessary for every request. Any request with plain HTTP will return the 400 - Bad Request. Any request that does not include authentication will be refused and return 401 - Unauthorized results.

HTTP MethodDescriptionPossible Response
GETRetrieve one or more resources identified by the request URI.- If the method is successful, it will return the HTTP status code 200 OK with a response body.

- If the resource you are looking for does not exist, it will return the HTTP status code 404 Not Found.
POSTCreate a resource from the submission of a request.- If the method is successful, it will return the HTTP status code 200 OK, including the result of the operation.

- If the request is invalid, it will return the HTTP status code 400 Bad Request.